Bromine Transport? That’s how we do it.
You want your transporter to take over as much of your work as possible. And that’s quite a lot. For instance, both you and we must comply with the complex ADR rules, including all the required shipping documents.
Bromine falls into Transport Hazard Class 6, meaning that it is a highly toxic material with a high specific weight. Drivers certified to convey such substances
must receive specific prior training. Obviously and understandably, the vehicles must also comply with very high requirements.
You want your transporter to take over as much of your work as possible. And that’s quite a lot. For instance, both you and we must comply with the complex ADR rules, including all the required shipping documents. Bromine falls into Transport Hazard Class 6, meaning that it is a highly toxic material with a high specific weight. Drivers certified to convey such substances must receive specific prior training. Obviously and understandably, the vehicles must also comply with very high requirements.

Not everyone can and may transport hazardous materials.
Bromine transport is done from Antwerp within the Benelux, Germany and Switzerland. Bromine is a class 6 hazardous material, meaning that it is a very toxic substance. The high specific weight of bromine means strong requirements to the method of transporting it, including the vehicles used to this end. The drivers must also have
received a specific training. What applies to the drivers also applies to the personnel at the planning and administration department: they also must meet the strongest requirements.
In short:
- All drivers are ADR trained
- Verduyn Group is SQAS certified ►
- Adequate accounting and reporting
- Regular certified refresher training for staff
Bromine transport is done from Antwerp within the Benelux, Germany and Switzerland. Bromine is a class 6 hazardous material, meaning that it is a very toxic substance. The high specific weight of bromine means strong requirements to the method of transporting it, including the vehicles used to this end. The drivers must also have received a specific training. What applies to the drivers also applies to the personnel at the planning and administration department: they also must meet the strongest requirements.
In short:
- All drivers are ADR trained
- Verduyn Group is SQAS certified ►
- Adequate accounting and reporting
- Regular certified refresher training for staff

The Verduyn Group transports bromine from Antwerp.
The rules for transporting hazardous materials are stringent, and rightly so. Since an acquisition in 2007, we have been slowly expanding this
business segment. We want to do it well and thoroughly and expect that our range of action will expand steadily.
We already transport bromine through Belgium …and to the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland.
The rules for transporting hazardous materials are stringent, and rightly so. Since an acquisition in 2007, we have been slowly expanding this business segment. We want to do it well and thoroughly and expect that our range of action will expand steadily.
We already transport bromine through Belgium …and to the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland.

The professional approach of a family business makes anything possible.
Three generations ago, Aris Verduyn started with sand, and later bitumen transport. He saw it had a future… and he was right. His business grew steadily.
That year, his son Joop Verduyn took over. He pursued the growth and opened an office in Belgium in order to serve Northwest Europe even better.
his son Arjo took over. He led the company into the modern age. Belgium was considerably strengthened and the business activities were expanded.
The Verduyn Group acquired another company. We took that challenge thanks to our own existing professional organisation. We already had certificates and specially
trained drivers. In fact, we saw bromine transport as a positive challenge which we want to address with the greatest care. The capacities are available to allow us to expand in phases, in order to serve our clients even better.
Drie generaties geleden startte Aris Verduyn met zandvervoer en later met bitumentransport. Daar zag hij toekomst in… en terecht. Zijn bedrijf groeide gestaag.
Dat jaar nam zijn zoon Joop Verduyn het over. Die zette de groei door en startte een vestiging in België om Noordwest-Europa nog beter te kunnen bedienen.
Zoon Arjo nam het roer over. Hij leidde het bedrijf de moderne tijd in. België werd aanmerkelijk versterkt en werden de bedrijfsactiviteiten uitgebreid.
Dat jaar deed de Verduyn Group een bedrijfsovername. Op basis van de eigen professionele organisatie die er al stond durfden we dat aan. Certificaten hadden we al, net als de speciaal opgeleide chauffeurs. Eigenlijk vonden we Broomtransport een positieve uitdaging waar we zorgvuldig mee om willen gaan. De capaciteiten zijn aanwezig zodat we getemporiseerd kunnen gaan uitbouwen om de klanten nog beter te kunnen bedienen.
Hoofdkantoor Rijnlanderweg 780, 2132 NM Hoofddorp, The Netherlands
T +31(0)20-3160416 info@verduyn-group.nl
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